that's the way a banana should be eaten.
Kee An, 011093kee an, whose face is round and fat, is officially EIGHTteen, going NINEteen :O his Mama's amniotic sac bursts open and the amniotic fluid lubricates her vagina while he slides down playfully along the slimy ol' black hole and POOF, he sees light on 01.10.93. free web hit counter Tagboard
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Monday, August 30, 2010
I've always wanted to update since last Monday, just like ranting or sharing some of my 'extraordinary' experiences, but I really couldn't find the time and energy to do so. Well anyway, today marks the end of my CA2 (finally) and it was kind of a disaster. I just realised that I failed Math, Chemistry and Biology CAs this term LOLS (Y). Please applaud for me, I know I'm imba. Actually I did study for all the tests, just that I think I didn't put in much effort in scoring well. I was harbouring a thought of failing CA2 has little impact on my overall year results, which in turn caused me to kind of give up revising the work haha. A lot of things happened during this two weeks, well I can't really recall much. But I vividly remembered one incident which changed my view on friendship. Friendship is just like a piece of paper. Some people could draw wonderful things on the paper and leaving lasting memories, while some just crumple the paper, roll it up, and throw it aside like a trash; others regret and unfold the paper again, but the crease on the paper can never be removed, no matter how hard they try to make it straight as it once was. As long as memories can still be drawn on the paper, I don't mind it being crumpled at all. I think I kind of value friendship, but not always. Sometimes I just take friends for granted, and sometimes I even dread meeting friends. But, come to think of it, friends have given me much support and wonderful memories. The memories that each one of them gave me -- I wonder how long I can remember. Thankfully cameras and photographs exist in this era haha. Anyway, I really have to thank Shuhao for listening to my rants and cheering me up last week lols. You are forever the dog hahaha. Enough of emoing, BM test is just in a week's time! Okay I really have to admit that BM test is far scarier than CA2 hahaha. I've been constantly failing the 3:15 timing. Everytime I told myself that I can do it, my timing becomes slower than the previous one. This is so damn demoralising. I'm gonna train and pass this BM shit at all costs, really. I don't want to disappoint myself and make a fool of myself in front of the others. Alright I think I'll sleep early today, finally a day to relax hehe, but not now. Nights. Sunday, August 15, 2010
I had the mood to go search for new songs suddenly just now, but was kinda shocked to learn that the website was down. Actually the service is currently down for just a day, due to some stuff which I don't even know. Okay so I was thinking if Sogou's service is down, means Baidu's service should be down too. So I went to check. Boring... I don't even know that there was such a natural disaster. This has kind of dampened my mood hahaha, but not very much. Alright, hope that those people's life would improve and get out of the trauma soon. P.S this post is very boring and you can ignore it Friday, August 13, 2010
What I'm feeling now is like what the kid in the picture is feeling. At the same time, I feel kind of relieved after the three hectic days since the school reopened. I'm so gonna fail Biology and Chemistry test, and I'm speaking for real. Miss Chen has marked our MCQ answers already and she told me she pinned her hopes on me, but was very disappointed. I was like 'Oh... Nevermind la..' Then she said 'Wa why you all now so optimistic one ah?' Obviously, if I'm pessimistic I wouldn't be living in this world or laughing at every single stupid thing already right... People may say optimist are like living in self-delusion because they treat unfortunate events as if it's nothing, or for Christians' case, a God's act. Well, I don't really know if I'm living in self-delusion, but I certainly know what I want and what to do. There's no use crying over spilled milk anyway, and of course not like some of my classmates who whine all day long over minor things. Do you believe in Karma? I think I kind of believe now. The story begins when I picked up a 10-cent coin in a classroom during GP lesson and I kept it inside my pocket. During DC after dismissal, I gave Wenya that 10-cent coin, while telling her that the coin might be cursed and she wasn't listening. On the way back home, we talked about the coin again, and I told her jokingly that the coin might be cursed and whatever, and she shouted 'WHAT THE HELL'. Well, she kept the coin anyway, lol. Today, when I was going to buy some food, I noticed that I've forgotten to bring my wallet! I was like wts, must be Karma, hahaha. Well this might be just a coincidence, but I don't care la, just believe that Karma exists. Anyway, there are Biology SPA and Chemistry SPA next week, OMSIAN. There are trainings on the SPA days too, sian ji pua can.. Trainings nowadays are the most boring stuff in school and I don't want to go for trainings, but they are compulsory D: Well anything, let the nature takes its course. Nights! Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Yesterday's NDP was the worst I've ever seen. The feeling of watching the NDP preview didn't differ much from that of when watching NDP at home. It's a major failure, so to say. I was disappointed that Corrinne May didn't sing live. Even if she wanted to lip sync, she should at least make an effort not to expose herself by mouthing the words at the correct timing. The part when there were lots of soldiers or power rangers in red was also another failure. I would rather they asked those taekwondo people to perform actually. Well anyway, I still think that the performance that Nanhua put on during the 2006 NDP was the best and most memorable(partly because those fireworks debris got into both of my eyes D:) I will never forget those good ol' times that 111'06 had. Sigh, looking back, it's already 4 years. Time really flies, especially when you're enjoying it. Well I sure do enjoyed my time in Nanhua. Nanhua is forever the second home in my heart haha. ACJC is full of superficial people, rich people, judgmental people, bimbos and himbos. I mean not all are these kind of people, there are also a lot of people out there in ACJC who are fun-loving and easy-going. Nothing beats being able to go out with Ben10 brothers and sisters hahaha. I hope we'll stay bonded for the rest of our lives, I hope. 2 more months to promos, I wonder how am I able to push myself towards getting acceptable results for promos. Just work hard, I guess (: Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday today. Nothing much though, just the usual Monday, perhaps more fun and laughter than the other Mondays I've spent so far in school. I've been like procrastinating since 6pm. I need to do my WR but I just didn't have the motivation to start doing. Okay at least I bothered to search in the NLB website and Yahoo, but to no avail, and I just gave up. I was so bored that I started looking for songs and 'stalking' people on Facebook. Really bored. Hope my PW group will not kill me for not doing my part hahaha. I just realised that my dislike-people syndrome came back recently. It's like I start to dislike people because of small things, but most of the time is because I find them weird and eccentric. Weird in a sense that I'm completely unable to predict what that person is going to do next because of his/her weird personality, and that he/she always give weird and random comments on random stuff. Afterall, I'll still have to try not to care so much about how weird the person is. BUT of course, I will not even try if it's like totally hopeless, like that 丑丑的 LOL. I don't know why I feel so sian about this week. It's not like there will be anything sian going to happen anyway. Probably because of the packed PW schedule (Mdm Lui wants us to complete the whole of WR be next Wednesday) and CA2 next week, damn. I wish I have a pet dog so that I can tell him all my rants and whatever and all he does is to lie there and look at me with his pitiful eyes LOL. He's not going to divulge any secrets either, haha. Okay I think I shall go sleep now, school starts late tomorrow :D Ciao. P.S. I don't like female dogs so I don't refer dogs as 'she'. |
Peel banana, peel peel banana
Sorry, it's Pisang Goreng, not Goreng Pisang |